With the Form 1099 reporting deadline quickly approaching, we are providing a refresh of the extension process below:
Some providers should consider whether an extension is needed and applicable. Please refer to the IRS’s General Instructions for Certain Information Returns for specific due dates and extension steps.
In general, Forms 1099 must be furnished to recipients by January 31st and to the IRS by February 28th, if filing on paper, or March 31st if electronically filing.
Note: To be able to paper file, the filer must have less than 250 recipients per form type and cannot be a financial institution.
For the IRS filing, there is an initial automatic 30-day extension by submitting the Form 8809 with the IRS. If utilizing the form for the initial automatic extension, it does not require signature. This can be filed by mail or through the IRS FIRE System.
The mailing address is:
Department of the Treasury:
Internal Revenue Service Center
Ogden, Utah, 84201-0209
The extension for furnishing the Form 1099 to the recipient is not automatic. A filer must separately request the extension by faxing a letter to Internal Revenue Service Technical Services Operation, attention of the Extension of Time Coordinator, at 877-477-0572 or international fax No. 304-579-4105.
The letter must include the filer name, Tax Identification Number, address, type of return, a statement that the extension request is for providing statements to recipients, reason for delay and signature of the filer or authorized agent.
The request must be received no later than the date in which the statements are due to recipients. If the extension is approved, the filer will receive a maximum of thirty extra days to furnish the recipient statements.
It is important to separately address the Form 1099-NEC. The Form 1099-NEC is due to the IRS and the recipient by January 31st. An automatic extension is not applicable for the IRS filing. The Form 8809 can only be mailed to the IRS, requires a signature, and must meet one of the criteria provided by the IRS on the form.
An extension for furnishing the return to the recipient would follow the same submission letter process as provided above. The reason for the request should mirror the reasoning selected on the Form 8809.
For state filing extensions, the filer should check with the applicable state(s).
